Monday Munchies: Brad Navin

During the 2017-18 season, we chatted with a handful of Grizzlies, including Ryan Walters, Travis Howe, Taylor Richart, and coaches Tim Branham and Ryan Kinasewich about their favourite foods, recipes, and more. Over the coming weeks, we’ll be publishing one every Monday, so get out your pots and pans, and enjoy!

What’s your favourite kind of food?
Anything meat related, chicken, steak, something like that.

Do you have a favourite cuisine in general?
Oh gosh. I would probably say…American, I guess? I mean, we eat a lot of Italian food just on road trips and pasta for games, so kind of get overloaded with that.

What’s your favourite recipe?
I’m a big food on the grill kind of guy, so when we go home, especially in the summer, when I’m at home with my parents, chicken on the grill, any type of veggie on the side is good.

Do you like to cook, and are you good at cooking?
Taylor and I just talked about that, I’ve kept all my receipts from the grocery store throughout the year, so it’d be interesting to see how much we actually spent at the grocery store. We generally cook all three meals so we probably eat out less than one time a week.

What do you like best about the recipe you provided?
I think just the simplicity of it. It’s something you can throw in the oven, it’s easy, it’s a bake, so it’s something I look forward to on Saturday morning when I’m back home and my mom throws it together.

Who on the team is the best cook?
On the team from what I’ve heard it’s Howie, but I’ve never got to try it out. Roommates, I think Taylor and I are pretty much the same. C.J. was our roommate for a little bit, obviously, and he was on this vegan diet so we kind of threw him by the wayside, stopped cooking with him.

Who on the team is the worst cook?
Probably I’d throw Joel under the bus. He cooks a lot of the same stuff–throws food in the crock pot, shreds it up, and calls it good. A lot of Mexican food for Joel.

Blueberry French Toast

If you try this recipe, or any of the others, take a picture and share it with us on social media (Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram)!

Previous posts:
Ryan Walters
Rob Mann
Mitch Jones
Sam Windle
Charley Graaskamp

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