Post the First

Greetings people of the internet!

I’m gonna give this whole blogging thing another try. Generally I’m pretty terrible at such things, as proven by the spotty state of posts on my previous blog. However, I’m going to try again with a slightly different approach: shorter posts, lots of hockey, and whatever else strikes my fancy at the moment.

First a bit about me for anyone who doesn’t already know me! I’m from New York, I did my undergrad at Wheaton College in Massachusetts (no, not in any way affiliated with the one in Illinois) and my masters at University of Toronto, I’m currently staying with a friend in Ottawa, and am a massive hockey fan. I read rather a lot, love tv shows and music, write a little and draw less (but love both a great deal), and have really, really long hair. I’m also really hoping to move to Montreal very soon…

The Hockey

Price breaks franchise record for most wins in a season

I’m an avid hockey fan, as will rapidly become clear from talking to me for any length of time. I am, first and foremost a Montreal Canadiens fan and a Team Canada fan (yes I’m from the States. Shhhhh!!). However I’ve also been dragged into rooting for teams like the Anaheim Ducks (yes there’s a logic to that one which one day will be explained), the New York Islanders (they’re moving within walking distance of where I grew up), the Leafs (this is all Steve Dangle‘s fault), and the Penguins (CROSBY), as well as the AHL affiliates of the Habs and Ducks (the Ice Caps and the Gulls respectively) and the ECHL Utah Grizzlies, where this whole hockey obsession began (one day I’ll tell that story too). Somehow along the way (it’s all Lars Eller’s fault) I also became a huge fan of perpetual underdog worlds team, Denmark (that’s gonna come up again in a few seconds).

The Studies

Hwæt we gar-dena in geardagum…
I did both my degrees in Medieval Studies (specifically focusing on England and Scandinavia from roughly the 400s to the 1200s), I studied Latin for 5 years (and am shockingly bad at it for the amount of work I’ve put into it…), Old English for three-ish years, and Old Norse for a bit as well. My first and greatest love in this area, though, is (and always will be) Beowulf (there’s a story there too which I may get to one day). 

Denmark wins their first WJC game

The Blog

My blog’s name comes from my love of Beowulf (in which at least half the characters are Danes) (and Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian history/literature in general), and also all the Danes in hockey.

That about sums it up for today!